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The popular African black magic that gets thieves stuck to their booty

by Farida Dawkins, 1:46am July 25, 2018,
Voodoo priest...Flash Info NG

African traditional religions have long been used as the law of the land. Before the introduction of Islam, Christianity and other monotheistic religions, religious practices such as voodoo and black magic were used to solve challenges and disputes that occurred in everyday life.

It was used as a way to exact justice without any outside influence.

Voodoo was and is still used to catch cheating spouses in the act of infidelity and as a way to find missing or stolen goods.

One case in point is the capture of a supposed thief in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. A man allegedly walked into a police station himself with a large bag stuck to his head.

He apparently stole maize from a farmer.  When he realized he couldn’t release the bag, he went to the local police station crying for help.

He was able to put the bag down once he confronted the owner.

In 2014 in the Kalambi village located in Uganda, a man found himself with a snake coiled around his neck after he supposedly stole a television, bed and other houseware from a neighbor.

There are unique procedures used to find the offender(s).

The video below is a reported incident of theft in which a local medicine man conducted his own investigation to catch the thief.

The residents of Bungoma, Kenya allegedly witnessed an infamous car thief getting stung by bees after he drugged the owner of the vehicle and stole his car.

After an investigation by police, it was gathered that the owner visited a local witch doctor and had a spell placed so that the bees would attack anyone who took his car without permission.

An additional case in Uganda shows a man frantically carrying an electronic device while bees lay on his head, neck, back and chest.

Charles Ogutu from Kaliwa village near the Kenya-Uganda border enacted a spell with the help of a witch doctor.

Ogutu consulted the services of Duncan Omoding, a medicine man from the Teso district. He was prompted to do so after having many of his belongings stolen.

24 hours later, a thief was reportedly caught.

Omoding was required to perform rituals and apply charms to the thief so he would not lose his life.

Justice at its finest?

Last Edited by:Nduta Waweru Updated: July 25, 2018


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