Four times pseudoscientific concepts were invented to uphold white supremacy

Nii Ntreh February 23, 2021
scientific racism
A drawing by the 18th-century American natural historian Samuel George Morton, who although was a respected scientist, perpetuated the pseudoscience of phrenology. Photo Credit: Penn Museum

Phrenology (Craniology)

Perhaps, this was the most famous in the category of scientific racist studies. Phrenology, sometimes known as craniology, was the pseudoscience that mental abilities could be told by simply observing the bumps and size of the skull. The goal of this was to rank people, races for the white supremacists, according to intelligence.

Developed in 1796 by the German scientist Franz Joseph Gall, phrenology was around for quite a while in psychiatric and psychological practices. Even though by the beginning of the 20th century it was unpopular, it did not stop the Nazis of Germany from invoking it in their war to defend white supremacy.

Last Edited by:Nii Ntreh Updated: February 23, 2021


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