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BY Ben Ebuka, 9:12am January 18, 2023,

With a combined net worth of $67.9 billion, here are the top 8 richest African families and how they built their wealth

by Ben Ebuka, 9:12am January 18, 2023,
Photo Credit: Sam Pixels

The eight wealthiest families in Africa made a combined wealth of $67.9 Billion as of January 15, 2023. The families came from three regions – North Africa, Southern Africa, and West Africa. Three families are from Nigeria, two are from South Africa, and three are from Arab countries.

The Dangote family in Nigeria stayed atop again as the richest in Africa, with a net worth of $13.5 Billion, made from the vast companies that made up the Dangote conglomerate.

The Sawiris family in Egypt retained the second spot with a total of $11.7 Billion thanks to the visionary mindset and entrepreneurship acumen of the family’s patriarch, Onsi Sawiris, who laid the foundation of the Sawiris business empire 92 years ago when he started the family’s first company in 1952. He steadily weathered the storms in the business environment until he handed over an enviable legacy to his three sons, Naguib, Nassef, and Samih.

The three families in Nigeria made a combined wealth of $26.8 Billion, the South African families made a total of $19.2 Billion, while the North African families’ fortunes totaled $21.9 Billion.

Here are the richest African families building generational wealth (click next):

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: January 18, 2023



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