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BY Abu Mubarik, 4:30pm October 03, 2023,

Entrepreneur alleges DOJ concealing theft of her firm’s multi-million dollar contract, gets backing from Cornel West

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by Abu Mubarik, 4:30pm October 03, 2023,
Jerroll M. Sanders backed by Presidential Candidate Dr. Cornel West. Photo: Black News

Meet Jerroll M. Sanders; she is the President and CEO of the Black, female-owned business featured in the award-winning documentary on YouTube titled My Empty Chair: The Jerroll Sanders Story, Black News reports.  

She alleges in the documentary that top officials of the DOJ have refused to acknowledge clear and convincing evidence proving that Democratic presidential appointees terminated her firm’s multi-million dollar contract and passed it to their non-minority associate who has reaped millions from Sanders’ work.

“Everyone who has reviewed my evidentiary binder finds DOJ’s claim that insufficient predication exists to show that Treasury appointees and other officials violated federal law inexplicable,” said Sanders. 

According to her, there was a seven-month independent investigation led by independent investigative firm MPM and court-adjudicated experts in federal contracting following the review of the same documentation she gave to the DOJ.

She noted that MPM discovered what the DOJ claimed it did not find, citing a nine-page report to the Assistant U.S. Attorney General. The report noted in part that “Based on the facts and circumstances set forth herein, one comes to the unavoidable conclusion that various senior management personnel at IRS and Treasury knowingly breached a legally awarded services contract with a well-established and recognized minority firm and then gave that extremely lucrative contract to a newly-formed, well-connected non-minority firm that had no physical office location, no employee base, no financial base, and no prior federal/state contract credibility (not a single prior federal or state contract as a reference). The obvious questions emerge: How is it that only TWC questioned these events and why has the government turned a blind eye?”

A representative of Simon Passante has questioned the outcome of the DOJ’s investigation that it did not find anything untoward. Sanders’ biggest backing is from the scholar, political activist and current Presidential Candidate Dr. Cornel West, according to Black News.

In a message to Sanders, West said her claims had merit. “I support your efforts – Please use my name any way you wish,” West reportedly told Sanders. The Black woman entrepreneur added that West concluded his message by urging her to “Stay strong!”

Meanwhile, Sanders is seeking the support of the general public to demand justice. She wants them to assist by using the Contact Form on DOJ’s website to send Attorney General Merrick Garland the following message: “Dear AG Garland—Please appoint a Special Counsel to investigate allegations made by Jerroll Sanders pertaining to the IRS Notice Redesign Contract.” 

She also wants a similar message to be sent to President Joe Biden and Michigan Senator Gary Peters.

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: October 3, 2023


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