Kyrie Williams is already charming people and capturing hearts on Instagram at just three weeks old. His cute yet unimpressed facial expressions have turned the three-week-old baby into an online sensation.
Kyrie’s mother, Kristen Williams, shared in a now-viral Instagram video, “He’s been here for 12 days and I think he is very unimpressed with earth, lol.”
The clip features Kyrie scowling at the camera with furrowed brows, giving his mother a disapproving side-eye as she affectionately kisses his cheek.
Within a week, the video amassed over a million likes.
In an email to Good Morning America, Kristen Williams noted, “I noticed as soon as we brought him home. He was always looking like he was disgusted with his new living arrangements. I was surprised because when I brought my [older] daughter home [as a newborn], she didn’t make those expressions.”
Describing her baby’s personality to, she affectionately said he’s “just a little grumpy old man.” Despite his expressive looks, Kristen Williams clarified that Kyrie is quite relaxed, only crying when he’s hungry.
“He sleeps a lot. And that’s how he was in the womb. He didn’t do a lot of moving. When he wakes up from a nap, he looks at you like he wants you to leave,” she noted.
Kristen and Christian Williams welcomed Kyrie into their Memphis, Tennessee, home on November 13, adding him to a loving family that includes their older daughter. Previously known for sharing her daughter’s cute moments, Kristen Williams now continues to provide a glimpse into the joys and challenges of raising Kyrie with a sense of humor.
“Even though Kyrie’s faces reminds me of a grumpy old man, I couldn’t resist sharing them with the world. He is so sweet and very calm. He doesn’t cry a lot. He is very content,” Kristen Williams expressed.
Meanwhile, Kyrie’s entertaining antics have brought joy to his family and gained him a growing audience on social media. Many Instagram users have begun sharing their tales of grumpy newborns, celebrating the little quirks that make each baby special.