Calixte Dakpogan
Calixte Dakpogan is a sculptor from Benin known for his art installations, as well as, his signature masks made out of varied and recycled materials. Born into a family of blacksmiths, Dakpogan grew up in the blacksmith district of Goukoumé, Benin, a district dedicated to Ogun, the god of iron. Much of his work is inspired by his Voudon heritage, as the principal deity worshipped by the Dakpogan family is Ogun. The tradition of metalworking has been passed on from father to son since their ancestor Sabgo Ayato worked as a blacksmith in the royal court of King Toffa.
Dakpogan uses metals and plastics from wrecked cars to make art forms that depict life forms. His work was exhibited at the “Ouidah ’92” festival, and many of his pieces are part of The Contemporary African Art Collection (CAAC) of Jean Pigozzi and are exhibited in major group shows in museums around the world.