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BY Novieku Babatunde Adeola, 6:00pm September 20, 2019,

5 most embarrassing celebrity wardrobe malfunctions caught on camera

by Novieku Babatunde Adeola, 6:00pm September 20, 2019,
Singer Janet Jackson covers her breast as Justin Timberlake holds part of her costume after her outfit came undone during a number during the halftime show of Super Bowl XXXVIII in Houston, in this Feb. 1, 2004 file photo. On Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2004, the Federal Communications Commission fined CBS a record $550,000 for Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction," which exposed the singer's breast during this year's Super Bowl halftime show.
Singer Janet Jackson covers her breast as Justin Timberlake holds part of her costume after her outfit came undone during a number during the halftime show of Super Bowl XXXVIII in Houston, in this Feb. 1, 2004 file photo.

Janet Jackson

Probably the most talked-about wardrobe malfunction ever in the history of the Super Bowl, American singer Janet Jackson was at the mercy of millions of football fans who saw her nipple for a second.

Image result for janet jacksin mishap
Janet Jackson and Timberlake performing at the Superbowl halftime show_Photo: New York Post

The incident occurred while she was performing with Justin Timberlake. According to reports, Timberlake ripped off Janet Jackson’s costume exposing her nipple on live TV. 

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: September 20, 2019



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