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BY Mildred Europa Taylor, 10:33am December 09, 2020,

A Tanzanian MP just lost his job for struggling to take oath of office

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by Mildred Europa Taylor, 10:33am December 09, 2020,
Magufuli addresses members of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi Party (CCM) at the party's sub-head office on Lumumba road in Dar es Salaam, October 30, 2015. REUTERS/Sadi Said

A Tanzanian MP who was set to be a deputy Minister for Minerals has lost his post after being unable to read the content of his oath of office at a swearing-in function on Wednesday.

Francis Ndulane was nominated for the government post but will now be replaced, President John Magufuli said. The president disclosed this decision at the Dodoma State House shortly after swearing-in 21 ministers and 22 deputies but left out Ndulane who struggled even after attempting three times, The Citizen reported.

During the swearing-in, officials asked Ndulane to go back and take a seat as he failed to take the oath. Magufuli, after the event, said Ndulane will be replaced with another appointment.

“We will look for someone who could properly read the documents entering his office and unveil whether there are forgeries,” he said. Magufuli added that the MP will maintain his seat but his master’s degree in Science (Finance) will be investigated.

Magufuli is the no-nonsense president who has been lauded both locally and internationally for his unforgiving fight against corruption. His critics nicknamed him the “Bulldozer,” accusing him of pushing through government policies without following due process.

Others accuse him of practicing authoritarian rule, undermining democracy by curbing political freedom, and clamping down on voices of dissent.

Just a few months after assuming office, Magufuli stopped the live broadcast of parliamentary proceedings, stating that the government could no longer afford it.

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: December 9, 2020


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