BY Alexander Opicho, 11:02am April 26, 2018,

Chimamanda is right, biracial Meghan Markle will make the Commonwealth relevant

8/21/2017 - Prince Harry and Meghan Markle during a visit to Catalyst Inc science park in Belfast where they met some of Northern Ireland's brightest young entrepreneurs. (Photo by PA Images/Sipa USA) *** US Rights Only ***

Recently, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was in a public conversation with Hillary Clinton where she faulted Hillary for identifying herself on her Twitter page as a wife, a mother and grandmother when Bill Clinton, Hillary’s husband, does not have such a profile on all of his social media accounts.

This remark by Chimamanda sparked reactions, most of the reactions found Chimamanda to be pushing the feminist agenda out of tolerable proportions. Among other things, Chimamanda also argued that the Commonwealth leadership is supposed to be taken over by Meghan Markle, the bi-racial fiancée to Prince Harry, the son of Princess Diana.

She said that after the reign of Queen Elizabeth at the Windsor monarchy, there is the need to have the new bloodied leadership that not only serves the blue blood, but the one that serves historical interests of the member countries that make the commonwealth.

Some people have baulked, I have not, and I support Chimamanda; the next queen of England need to reflect racial diversity as an historical factor in the economics and politics that formed the British Commonwealth.

Before stating my reasons, let us see who exactly Meghan Markle is.

Meghan is bi-racial; she is the 36-year-old fiancée of Prince Harry. Prince Harry is the grandson of Queen Elizabeth and the son to the late Princess Diana. Harry and Markle have one month to go until their wedding, they are destined to marry on 19th May 2018.

The royal biographer Andrew Morton writes in his new book, A Hollywood Princess, that Meghan Markle is bringing star quality to the English monarchy; he said this in reference to Meghan Markle’s star performance in Hollywood.

Morton observes that Meghan will make the house of Windsor seem relevant again, especially to the modern world, to Africa and to the new human society that is alive to the social virtue of dignity in diversity. Meghan Markle is also a devoted defender of human rights, a talented actress, and a multifaceted young woman who can easily bring a freshness, diversity and warmth to the traditionally chilly corridors of the Buckingham Palace.

Just like Barrack Obama, Meghan Markle is genealogically half black and a half white; she was born in America and she grew up in America as a biracial child that was also a victim of a broken family; her parents divorced early on into her life. But still she was still very brave, she staged a protest at her school against the first Gulf War in 1990.

Then two years later she wrote a fierce letter of complaint to Procter & Gamble in response to an advertisement campaign which inadvertently cast women as belonging in the kitchen to do the washing up. She was only 11 years old when she authoritatively protested that the value of women should not be confined to domestic life. These were socially very conscience efforts for a girl of such age.

However, this is going to be Meghan’s second marriage, as the first one was to the film producer, Trevor Engleson; it broke some time ago. Since then, she has been dating Prince Harry for almost two years running. Thus, Meghan Markle will be the first divorced biracial American to take her place in the House of Windsor through blood and marriage.

Andrew Morton, in his book, observes that this will be a history making moment of the century. According to him, both race relations and divorce have been contested issues in the Royal Family; which historic events such as the abdication of Edward VIII or Prince Charles’s reluctant marriage to Diana have shown in the past.

Accepting Meghan into the fold of the Royal Family is seen as the latest exercise in the past two decades to modernize the House of Windsor and its reputation. Even if it was not Meghan Markle, this was the time the leadership of the commonwealth was supposed to swallow racial pride and consider giving chance to the blood that is not blue.

The commonwealth is made up of memberships by African, American-Caribbean, Asian and Australian countries. These are the countries that had to fight Adolf Hitler in order to preserve the Monarchy of England. The royal wealth at Windsor is the outcome of the long years of blood and sweat shed by the Asian and African communities.

The money and Gold treasures of England are what was looted from the colonies; I mean the political organization of the commonwealth is not derived from the efforts of the blood, but the sacrifice of the blood without color blue; the black blood of Africa and the yellow blood of Asia.

This is why we need the new blood in the top leadership of the commonwealth, the basic minimum is the bi-racial blood, and Meghan Markle is the ready material.

Last Edited by:Ismail Akwei Updated: April 26, 2018


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