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BY Francis Akhalbey, 8:00am September 03, 2021,

COVID-19 testing lab reportedly denied Candace Owens service for ‘spreading misinformation’

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by Francis Akhalbey, 8:00am September 03, 2021,
Candace Owens -- Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

A COVID-19 testing facility turned down Candace Owens’ request to get tested because she has allegedly “worked” to exacerbate the pandemic by “spreading misinformation”, a screenshot of an email that the conservative author and commentator shared on her Twitter account showed.

Prior to posting the screenshot on Wednesday, the 32-year-old said the testing facility had denied her service because of her “politics” – something she described as “insane.” The email to notify Owens of the cancellation of her appointment at Aspen Laboratories was sent to her by the facility’s co-founder, Suzanna Lee, The Hill reported.

And in the post that Owens’ shared with a screenshot of the email, the controversial right-wing personality referred to Lee as a “rabid activist”, adding that “she clearly isn’t stable enough to work in health and is a danger to the Aspen community.”

Per the email, Lee informed Owens the facility “cannot support anyone who has pro-actively worked to make this pandemic worse by spreading misinformation, politicizing and DISCOURAGING the wearing of masks and actively dissuading people from receiving life-saving vaccinations.”

Lee then went ahead to provide Owens an alternative testing facility whose services are free. “My team and myself have worked overtime, to exhaustion, unpaid and underpaid this past year, spending our own capital to ensure that our community remains protected,” Lee added.

“It would be unfair to them and to the sacrifices we have all made this year to serve you.”

Owens also attached a screenshot of her response to Lee’s email where she accused her of being politically selective. “Nothing screams ‘this virus isn’t political’ quite like googling the names of the people who book tests with you and determining on a case by case basis whether or not you will let them comply with your community covid measures,” Owens wrote in her response.

“Nothing screams ‘I love my local community’ quite like refusing to test people who are going to a local event and wish to ensure they are negative and therefore do not spread the virus.”

There was a divided opinion on social media with regards to the testing facility denying Owens service. A user highlighted Lee’s “freedom to choose” and referred to Owens and the GOP screaming freedom “except when it comes to a woman’s right to choose.”

But Owens replied saying: “I very much believe in the freedom to choose.  Just pointing out the great irony that when the ‘health employees’ begin choosing who is allowed to determine if they have covid— we are no longer in a public health crisis.”

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: September 3, 2021



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