BY Stephanie Chukwuma, 1:00am January 10, 2012,

Getting Through a Tough Breakup

You’re crying yourself to sleep night after night thinking about this person. No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get them out of your head. Everything around you feels different and unreal without that special person to share it with. 

Getting Through a Tough BreakupHe/She is ignoring all your calls, texts, and emails and wants nothing to do with you. Your friends are tired of your lengthy grieving process and despite your advice from friends telling you to move on, you believe that things are easier said than done.

What do you do when the person you thought was “the one”, turns into “the one” who hurt you the most, the one you can’t get over, or the one who wants absolutely nothing to do with you?

Your best bet is to leave the situation alone and let things play out. In the mean time, use your time to focus on yourself— your hobbies, your career, your friends, and your family. 

Instead of stressing yourself out about a problem you have little to no control over, focus your time and energy on things you enjoy— start drawing again, writing poetry, singing, pick up a couple of extra hours at work, or volunteer your time. It’s all about converting the negative to positive. 

Be confident and optimistic instead of letting your worries consume you. When you choose to move on with your life, you are sending an important message to yourself and the person you were in a relationship with.  You prove to yourself that you are a strong individual and you will not let one person control your life.  You are also showing the other person that they don’t have power over you and liberating yourself from them. You are telling them that with or without them the sun will continue to rise, the birds will continue to chirp, and you will continue to live. 

Unfortunately, break ups are an unavoidable facet of life. As much as it may hurt, emotionally, socially, and physically to go through a break up, it is one of those things that enable us to become better individuals. Break ups give people the opportunity to re-evaluate their relationships with those around them, reassess their ideals and values, and to spend more time with themselves.

Nothing is ever as bad as it seems when you look at it in perspective. Of course, when you are going through a break up everything is everything, but then again someone did say, everything is not what it seems.

Last Edited by: Updated: February 25, 2014


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