Effective Ways to Relieve Stress
Between work, meetings, school, extracurricular activities, etc, the average person is worn out, tired, or simply stressed by the end of the day. Our fast paced lives may easily cause anxiety, but it is...
Tips For Losing a Few Pounds and Staying in Shape
With spring right around the corner, there is no reason to wait till the last minute to recover your flattering figure so put down the junk food, and devote yourself to becoming a more healthy and fit...
Somalia Rebels Block Aid From the Red Cross
Somalia rebels have stopped the International Committee of the Red Cross from delivering aid to Somalia at a time when the country needs it most. Somalia has been suffering from a hard hitting drought,...
Is Love From A Distance Really Possible?
There’s a Spanish saying that goes, “amor a distancia es estupido amor.” In English, this translates to, “love from a distance is a stupid love.” In the midst of writing this...
An Increase in Risky Abortions Worldwide
Though some may choose to close their eyes and believe that abortions don’t happen, the reality is that they do. Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, it is important to know that high risk abortions...
The Tasty Chocolate You Enjoy May Be a Product of Child Slavery
Chocolate is delicious. It melts in your mouth, tastes great, and there are so many types to choose from: white chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, with peanuts, without peanuts, and the list goes...