Welcome to our first of our #Heart2Heart series that will examine life’s complexities. Our aim is to bring to light the many experiences that affect our lives and how we can navigate them as best as possible.
Feel free to add your input and send us questions about issues you need guidance about. Whether it be love, relationships, health, wellness or career we have got you covered.
On a recent episode of “Christiane Amanpour: Sex and Love Around the World,” a single Ghanaian woman states that the main source of survival for her and many women in her country is to be a married man’s mistress.
This is what transpired in their interview below:
The woman featured in the video is known as Moesha Boduong, a Ghanaian actress, socialite and photo model.
Boduong has received intense backlash for her statements on the show as evidenced on Twitter, with people complaining that she is glorifying lewdness and airing “dirty laundry.”
?????????https://t.co/ryzCD3HhQ9— sampson.arkoh@yahoo.com (@sampsonarkoh4) April 12, 2018
It’s not like we all Duno such stuffs #Moesha talking about exist.. But to generalize it is total disrespect to ladies working their assess off to get something better for themselves.
— #GeniusMessi ? #AA (@Akwasi_Nimako) April 12, 2018
Shout out to all them hardworking women out there…you are doing what some #Moesha bitch couldn’t do…??
— Gloria Sewor (@miZfUckinglORia) April 12, 2018
You can diss #Moesha all you want but chaley the 2 year rent advance thing is killing the youth…@NAkufoAddo PLEASE help us.
— Nii Amui Lincoln™ (@NiiAmuiLincoln) April 12, 2018
#Apartment in Moesha’s voice. Ghanafo) bi nom pre eih. Masa those celebrities supporting her STOP! No wonder y’all do the same thing. No one cares what you do in your closet. So far as you represented #Ghana and washed your filthy linen in public we gon talk about it! @ameyaw112
— Nana Querqz (@iAmtheGuy_Q) April 12, 2018
To be fair, Moesha speaks from her perspective, life experiences and choices. It is wrong to be indifferent towards her when there are many people, especially men into fraud and scams to make ends meet. Let’s not pretend that these things aren’t happening, irrespective of gender
— C a r o l i n e
(@ItsCaroline_x) April 12, 2018
Moesha Buodong, Amber Rose, Paris Hilton, Blac Chyna all same same! Booty call gals!
— Tete Nokobi (@tnokobi) April 12, 2018
But of we also don’t deal with Meosha’s story, such doctors are also likely not to go home but go spend time with people like Moesha leaving his wife also Psychologically broken.
What do you think? https://t.co/XRE7zXLHJL
— _Kojo MegaMind♛ (@KojoMegaMind) April 12, 2018
What Moesha Bodouong did is quite simple. She depicted the reality of a lot of young women in our countries. Though not being with a married man, the woman in front of her confirmed what Moesha said. Yes, my people, some women have to sleep with married men to make ends meet.
— Befoune. (@befoune) April 12, 2018
Moesha chooses how to survive by sleeping with married men and that’s cool but chale, don’t drag all the hardworking Ghanaian women into this. Stop blaming the economy. The successful ones are making in this same economy.???
— Jay Colours ?? (@_jaycolours) April 12, 2018
It’s not for me to say if Moesha is right or if my choices are more noble than hers. I respect her right to live her life as she chooses. She’s no criminal. It’s not like she’s selling the country’s secrets to the CIA…
— M’Baku & Brown Shuga (@AbenaGyekye) April 12, 2018
So Moesha are you someone our young ones will have to look up to ??? You just be some fucked up lame ass b*tch!!!
— Efo Coded (@CodedEfo) April 12, 2018
Moesha boduong owes all the hard working ladies in GHANA an apology?? cos Not all ladies are LAZY and DUMB
— OJBBK? (@ojbbk) April 12, 2018
When slay queens and bosschiks meet Moesha in town.
They’ll knock her head off like… pic.twitter.com/17mBS9ZFmc— EL-DAD (@ChristDeKing) April 12, 2018
Nevertheless, the interview and subsequent comments highlight the many challenges African women face today. Many countries within the continent face harsh economic standards. Not to mention the financial conundrums faced by black women worldwide.
Are the reasons given by Boduong valid?
Is it right for anyone to sleep with another person’s spouse to escape hardship?
How can the issues of lack of employment and scarce entrepreneurial opportunities in Africa be combated?
Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.