BY Mohammed Awal, 8:00am June 24, 2020,

‘I’ve never experienced something that belligerent’ – Black student repeatedly called N-word, ape

Screenshot: (YouTube), The white woman who racially attacked and called Graves 'ape'

America has become synonymous with racism and this came to bare Saturday afternoon when a 27-year-old Yale Ph.D. student, Kathryn Graves, was subjected to cruel racist abuse.

A target of a white woman’s racist diatribe, Graves, who resides in New Haven, Connecticut narrated her painful experience to NBC News. She said she was accosted by the white woman on 47th Street and Third Avenue at about 5:15 p.m. 

Graves was wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt when the woman “got in her face” and repeatedly used the N-word and other profane words including “ape”.

“Obama’s f—ing d–k right next to his ape f—ing wife,” woman rants in footage of the incident recorded by Graves and posted to Facebook and Instagram.

 “What’s the matter, you got time to do your f—ing pink a– f—ing hair, you n—er Obama f—ing ape,” the woman holding a case of Natural Ice beer added.

Speaking to The Post, Graves said she blocked off how hurtful the words were and thought more pragmatically.

“Before I even started to emotionally process what was going on, I just knew I had to record it” and “try and figure out what to do if she tries to attack me,” the psychology student told the outlet.

Graves added: “I recorded her and she just went off … there was nothing on my end that preempted this, other than me being there. I have never [before] had someone just spew hatred in my face.”

Stunned by the incident, Graves told NBC News that she had never experienced something that was that “belligerent and blatant.” “My mindset was ‘Keep recording and brace yourself in case she gets violent.'”

The footage of the worrying incident had already been sent to the NYPD. Officers from the department, The Post reports, had been in touch with Graves and another “potential victim” of the same savage woman.

 “You must be actively anti-racist — it’s not enough to just not be racist,” she said. “If nothing happens, this woman could be dangerous.”

America’s continuous systematic racism against Blacks was brought to the fore globally over the past weeks as the nation witnessed social unrest following George Floyd’s death.

Floyd died after a cop knelt on his neck for several minutes during an arrest, ignoring the victim’s pleas that he could not breathe.

Last Edited by:Kent Mensah Updated: June 24, 2020


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