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BY Dollita Okine, 12:00pm April 16, 2024,

Meet the Tanzanian woman who married three men in one house  

by Dollita Okine, 12:00pm April 16, 2024,
Following the death of her spouse of eight years, with whom she had two children, she went on to wed the other men. Photo Credit: Afrimax

Nellie, a Tanzanian woman, left the world in wonder after living with three men as spouses for many years. Following the death of her spouse of eight years in a car accident, with whom she had two children, she went on to wed the other men.

Her late husband’s brother, Hassan, was the first person she married after he stayed behind to look after her kids since she was too busy. She then met Jimmy, and after several conversations, she welcomed him into the house as her second husband. Later, she married Danny.

Even though she met the guys separately, she was honest with them all, and they accepted her circumstances and cohabited with her.

Nellie said last year that she works as a car dealer and is responsible for raising her family, supplying her men with cars and a place to live, and feeding them. They all live together under the same roof, but each has their own bedroom, she said.

In an interview with Afrimax, Nellie called herself “The world record holder in this area with three husbands.”

She further declared that she treats her husbands equally and that she is confident they cannot cheat since they are happy.

Her husbands, in the meantime, have found happiness and have come to terms with one another. They maintained their relationship was the product of love, telling the network that they saw nothing wrong with their manner of living.

Jimmy disclosed, “As for intimate time, we have no problem. As a man with so many wives plans, so do we.” 

According to the documentary, several neighbors speculated that Nellie married so many men because her brother-in-law was unable to satisfy her in terms of sex. Others suggested that it might be due to the pain of losing her first spouse and her anxiety about losing another one.

Hassan couldn’t figure out why Nellie married guys other than him, even though he refuted the first speculation. He did, however, say that it wouldn’t bother him if she brought another person home.

After news of their marriage broke, Nicodemus Agweyo, a lawyer in Tanzania, stated that even though polygamy is accepted by law, polyandry is an offense punishable by law.

“In the event a woman gets married to more than one man, she is liable to a prison sentence of not more than three years,” he told Ayo TV.

Nellie speaks more about her marriage in her interview with Afrimax below:

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: April 16, 2024


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