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BY Abu Mubarik, 9:00am March 12, 2022,

How Nasar El-Arabi built a 7-figure real estate business in a few years after getting fired at 26

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by Abu Mubarik, 9:00am March 12, 2022,
Nasar El-Arabi. Photo credit: Black News

When Nasar El-Arabi was 19 years old, he was convinced venturing into real estate was the best career option to build wealth and pass it on to generations after him. This was after he overheard his father discussing with a friend how a neighbor is making seven figures from flipping houses.

With some money he had saved, Nasar and a friend invested a total of $32,000 into an investment property and ended up losing $14,000, according to Black News.

Despite an unsuccessful beginning in real estate, Nasar did not lose hope in the path he had decided to take. He was convinced that in due time, he will gain some more education and come out on top. “I realized that I had to learn about real estate before investing in real estate. I never learned about real estate; I just hopped in,” he said.

Today, Nasar has overcome his initial challenges and has built a seven-figure real estate business. And he is not resting on his oars. He is teaching as many people who are willing to learn the nitty-gritty of real estate investment. Through his YouTube channel, books and events, he teaches people how to build generational wealth through real estate. Nasar sees it as his responsibility to help inspire hope and financial freedom in the Black community.

While exploring real estate, Nasar kept a regular job. However, it was after he was fired from his job at age 26 that he committed himself to his real estate business. He was working at a call center that was paying him $10 an hour.

“Life in the call center was terrible. When I would head into work on Mondays, it was like having a refrigerator on my back. I didn’t like it there, and I knew it wasn’t my calling. I didn’t’ go to college for this,” he said.

Besides his personal drive for success, Nasar was also guided by the popular book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad.’ According to him, this book gave him an insight into the fullness of opportunities available to him.

Becoming a successful real estate investor did not come easy for Nasar but he believes with hope and determination, any individual can make the most out of their side hustles.

“If you’re in a dark place, I strongly recommend that you figure out where you want to go. Try to figure out what your passion is. If you don’t know, then try to put yourself into an industry where you can make a good income. It’s better to be depressed with $10,000 in the bank than depressed living check to check,” he said.

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: March 12, 2022


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