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BY Francis Akhalbey, 12:00pm August 17, 2023,

Brother and sister adopted by same family discover they’re biological siblings

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by Francis Akhalbey, 12:00pm August 17, 2023,
Frank and Vicky were adopted by the same Staten Island family -- Photo Credit: Family photo/Staten Island Advance

Siblings Vicky and Frank were found abandoned as babies a year apart and eventually adopted by the same Staten Island family. The two had initially thought the only thing that linked them was being adopted by the same family – until they recently discovered they are in fact, biological siblings.

According to CBS News, a cardiology technician by the name of Claudia found Vicky abandoned as a baby at the Richmond University Medical Center in 2004. She was eventually adopted by Staten Island couple Angela and Dennis.

“I opened the stall, and I saw this little precious thing tucked under the toilet tank and wrapped in a blanket,” Claudia recalled. 

But it was just recently that Vicky got to know it was Claudia who found and took care of her before her eventual adoption. “For my whole life, I kind of just knew Claudia as my mom’s close friend,” Vicky said.

Frank, on the other hand, was found abandoned at Bellamy’s Christian Day Care. And after also similarly getting to know about his past, his interest in his biology grew. This prompted Angela to provide them with kits, CBS News reported.

Angela said she told her adopted children they may “have some relatives in common” as they’re “both from Staten Island.” What happened after Vicky and Frank submitted their tests left them in shock.

“I got the match that my brother had popped up as my full sibling, my biological brother,” Vicky recalled. Frank added: “I was driving home, actually, and she called me and she was telling me, like, ‘Oh my god, we’re biologically related,’ and I was like, ‘Yeah, OK, whatever.’ Little did I know I’ve been living with my blood my whole life. It’s insane.” 

“We were both found a year and half apart and wound up with the same family. The odds are insane,” Frank said.

Dennis also said that “for years, people would ask us, are they related?” But he said their response was always “no because we didn’t know they were.” “How did I miss this? Because I wasn’t supposed to miss it. They’re my children,” Angela said.

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: August 17, 2023


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