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BY Stephen Nartey, 3:15pm May 02, 2024,

‘It wasn’t worth it’ – Tyra Banks says the first time she drank alcohol was when she was 50

by Stephen Nartey, 3:15pm May 02, 2024,
Tyra Banks/Photo credit: Tyra Banks via Instagram

Tyra Banks, the iconic former host of Dancing With the Stars, has made a delightful revelation that she only had a first sip of alcohol when she turned 50. She explained that the indulgence took place in Australia, where she lives with her 8-year-old son York and boyfriend Louis Bélanger-Martin.

“My mom and my best friend surprised me there, and it was so magical,” she told People. “We took a seaplane, had a meal in the middle of nowhere. I even had an alcoholic drink for the first time,” she said of her 50th birthday celebration.

But, “it wasn’t worth it,” she said of the alcohol. “I was like, ‘This is nasty!”

In a heartfelt Instagram post last December, the supermodel commemorated her milestone 50th birthday with an inspiring message and a House Smize-themed cake.

“50. I can’t believe I’ve been on this earth 🌏that many years. I remember like yesterday my mom’s 50th birthday party and we celebrated her in the biggest way. It was a big one. And now it’s mine,” she wrote.

“So many fear getting older. That’s understandable. Things just aren’t the same anymore. Our bodies. Our energy. Our minds. But I gotta say, my mind is FIERCER THAN EVER. Wise, baby. But still… I think we have to look at aging and these big milestone years like, ‘I GET to be that age.’ A Blessing.”

She continued, “If you’re younger than me 👧👦, I HOPE you get to reach my age and BEYOND. Because it feels damn good. (What doesn’t feel so good is the damn sciatica I got from falling in a scene in Life-Size 2!!! ) Wise words from Auntie TyTy: You don’t have to stay stuck.”

“You can start off doing one thing, and as the years go by, you switch that ish up. ➰Yeah, I started in the fashion world and did the whole magazine covers, catwalks and couture 💄 thing and more but I have pivoted, baby. Again. You can 2. Can’t stop. Won’t stop. You hear me?!”

Banks touched on the talents she cultivated before reaching her milestone age, including scriptwriting, fiction writing, and even ice cream creation.

She concluded by urging her followers to share their own dreams with her.

“So now I’m turning to you,” she wrote. “Yeah, it’s my birthday but I am curious about YOU. What’s YOUR DREAM? Don’t sleep on it. 🚫💤 Wake up and DREAM🌞…and share it with me. 👇🏽 2024 is around the corner and we are gonna DREAM really BIG…together. 💛TyTy.”

She told People how she felt about turning 50. “I felt it was a rite of passage to be my true self. I like to challenge misconceptions about aging by saying, ‘Child, I’m 50!”

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: May 2, 2024


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