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BY Ama Nunoo, 12:54pm July 01, 2020,

Affirmations to launch you into the second half of the year

Photo: MadameNoire

July is here with us! Meaning we have just begun the second half of the year, but many still have mixed feelings about 2020. I believe that everything happening now is orchestrated for our greater good. Tragic as some may be, everything will fall in place in the long run.

Do you believe in affirmations? Do you believe that we have the power to speak into existence the things we want for ourselves? Some will call it faith, others might say it is speaking to the universe what you believe and eventually they find their way back to you.

Overall, I believe, positivity breeds positivity no matter how gloom any situation may seem. It is a choice one must make to see the good in it.

The global coronavirus pandemic has thrown the whole world off its course. For many, life has still come to a halt while others have kicked in their survival instincts to thrive no matter how murky the road may be.

It is never too late to boost your spirits with affirmations because as we are in the second half of the year, at some point, you have to be your own cheerleader as everyone has something they are currently dealing with.

Be there for your friends, neighbors or family but remember self-care is the gateway to caring for others as well. Here are some affirmations to get you through July and possibly the second half of the year gracefully.

I celebrate the newness of this month and what is yet to be.

I make time daily to nurture my body, mind, and spirit.

I love my life and appreciate that every day no matter how easy or challenging is an opportunity for me to grow and shine my light.

Today I choose to spread joy and peace.

I enjoy my independence and freedom today. I accept this gift from the bravery of those who fought for freedom.

My life is a gift to others and a journey unfolding each and every day.

I am radiant and resilient.

Today, I will celebrate who I am and all that I am becoming.

I am alive in all that is possible and in control of choosing with love and care.

I am not defined by life events. These are a means to get my attention, so I continue to learn and grow.

I choose to move with intention. This gives me amazing balance and flow.

Today I am stronger than yesterday.

I am strong, capable, caring, and determined.

I choose to see life-learning in the most ordinary and extraordinary life situations.

I feed my body with positive vibrant energy.

I accept the invitation from my creator to hop on the “joy” bus and ride fully into my life.

Today is my day to shine and share my self-love by giving love.

I choose to cover myself in a blanket of peace from the depth of my soul through the smile on my face.

Today is another day for me to receive wisdom while passing along my wisdom to others.

Hello! I am ready and waiting for all that is yet to come today.

I embrace all new learning and powerful growth. From here I emerge both strong and at ease.

I matter and make time today to nurture my spirit.

Authenticity is my life banner and each day I choose to live aligned with who I am from the inside out.

Everything is working for me just as it’s meant to.

I choose to define my essence by what lies deep beneath the surface of my skin. Love is found here in this place.

My spirited energy is powerful and light.

I’m a work in progress and learn something new every day.

I take good care of my body because I love myself abundantly.

I’m making time to simply be me in the glory of this summer day.

My love for myself shines the light for others to come into their own place within.

Thank you, July for providing me with heat, light, laughter, energy, and insightful memories of what has come to pass during this month and season.


Last Edited by:Ama Nunoo Updated: February 4, 2021


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