Your body is the perfect eight; the image of a Goddess in photography. Good morning beautiful garden, dear Eden, where we started our History.
Your words have Life and Trust because you are Messiah’s calligraphy.
Your skin has power that has intimidated the weak as they contemplate their own body.
Celestial bodies and powers and entities kneel down at the magnitude of your divine blessings constantly.
You are the cradle of Humanity.
Other nations have attempted to belittle you and mask your identity.
They have [themselves to blame] dishonored their Creator as we ended up in slavery.
An account will be rendered for all the innocent lives sacrificed; for all the women who lost their mothers, sisters, brothers, husbands, nephews, uncles, and babies….
Judgments will validate our silence and forgiveness since we did not want to lose our Sanity.
You are still amazing despite your scars and cuts that will never alter your Beauty.
You are still loving despite all of the hatred spilled.
They are in awe and dying inside because they are guilty.
Yes, guilty as they are being eaten up by their own insanity.
You are still praising the Heavens; your God has never forsaken you, waiting patiently….
Dark Land, you are full of hope because you know that the Soul has no color
Why hate blindly?
In this field full of roses, your children and grand-children stand out like lilies.
Your pulchritudinous people have a Spirit that looks forward to eternity.