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BY Abena Agyeman-Fisher, 9:42am February 11, 2015,

After Repeated Boko Haram Attacks Nigeriens Flee, State of Emergency Declared


After being the target of Boko Haram for the first time since last week, Niger has declared a state of emergency in the border town of Diffa (pictured), according to the BBC.

RELATED: Boko Haram Focus Wrath Outside of Nigeria: Bus Hijacked in Cameroon, Car Bomb Detonated in Niger

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Diffa has had the unfortunate experience of falling in to the crosshairs of Islamic militant sect Diffa, NigerBoko Haram.

As Face2Face Africa previously reported:

On Friday morning, Boko Haram reportedly hit the town of Bosso with heavy artillery. At the time, one witness told the AFP,  “We can hear the sound of weapons all around the town, often very near our windows.

“There is the noise of heavy weapons and of light arms, making our houses shake.”

In the confrontation, Niger forces reportedly killed 109 terrorists, while only sustaining five losses — one was a civilian.

By Monday, the militants set their sights on a prison in the town of Diffa, but were reportedly trounced by Chad and Niger forces.

The prison win, though, didn’t stop Boko Haram from setting off a car bomb that was also in the same town, killing one and wounding 15.

The attacks have reportedly forced Diffa residents to flee 310 miles (500 km) to Zinder city; a convoy of 200 refugees was said to already arrive there on Tuesday.



Consequently, Diffa’s governor reportedly instituted a state of emergency, which enables him to pass restrictions without the passing of laws.

Diffa currently has a curfew in place, where residents must stay indoors between 7 P.M. and 12 P.M. EST (19:00 and 05:00 GMT).

On Monday, Niger officials voted to contribute 700 troops to the regional anti-terrorist effort with neighbors Chad, Benin, Cameroon, and Nigeria.

Boko Haram Appear Indefatigable

Meanwhile, militants attempted  to attack Chadian troops who are stationed in northeastern Nigeria Wednesday.

But their efforts were in vain.

“We knew they were going to attack us,” a Chadian military official told Reuters news agency. “We were waiting. The battle didn’t last long.”

In recent weeks, Boko Haram has been focusing their destruction on Cameroon as well as the area of Lake Chad, where Niger, Chad, and Nigeria converge.

In Cameroon alone, they hijacked a bus with nearly 30 market-goers and slit the throats of 70 civilians in the last week.

RELATED: With 70 Murdered, Boko Haram Retaliates Against Cameroon 

Last Edited by:Abena Agyeman-Fisher Updated: June 19, 2018


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