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BY Farida Dawkins, 4:26am January 04, 2018,

Caribbean and African-American drinkers face greater life threatening heart risks

by Farida Dawkins, 4:26am January 04, 2018,
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CNN reports that if you are a heavy drinker and are within the low socioeconomic bracket, then your risk of dying from heart disease is significantly greater. The data was provided by the journal PLOS Medicine. This is a loud wake-up call for the African-American and Caribbean community.

The U.S. Census documents that African-Americans make up 13.3% of the population yet comprise 22% of the poverty rate conferring to the Henry J. Kaiser Foundation.  There aren’t specific statistics for the Caribbean population, conversely, this demographic is often grouped under African-Americans.

Caribbean and African-Americans also need to factor in other potential stressors that can lead to premature death. Racism, discrimination, employment inequality, and inadequate health care are all facets of the plight of the aforementioned citizens.  Often when reports such as the one mentioned above are publicized, it is often gloom and doom for Blacks. Though it has a negative undertone, keeping abreast of data is imperative for improvement of status.

Entrepreneurship, focus on health including mental, financial freedom, and competitive educational and job opportunities are the order of the day. It can begin with the consolidation of strengths and the realization that no matter where in the world we are, there are challenges and that we are all under one umbrella regardless of internal and external biases.  Now that’s putting a positive spin on things.


Last Edited by:Ismail Akwei Updated: September 15, 2018


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