Footage shows Amazon worker defending female coworker from would-be carjacker 

Francis Akhalbey June 24, 2024
An Amazon worker was seen defending his female coworker from a would-be carjacker -- Photos via the New York Post

A New York Amazon delivery driver was spotted beating a man who attacked his female coworker and tried to carjack her van. Per the New York Post, the 23-year-old female Amazon driver was confronted by the suspect during a traffic standstill.

Police said the Sunday incident occurred close to Amazon’s warehouses in Jamaica, Queens. The male worker is said to have come to the defense of his female colleague after the suspect, identified as Kevon Wilson, punched her multiple times and pulled her out of the van she was driving before he hopped on the driver’s seat.

The female victim, however, removed the keys from the ignition, and her male coworker was seen repeatedly punching the suspect before she separated them. But after the physical altercation, Wilson was seen entering the van again and trying to drive off. During that period, the two workers were seen trying to pull the suspect out of the van.

Sources said the female worker suffered injuries on her face, arm, and neck, adding that she declined medical aid, the New York Post reported. Wilson was ultimately arrested and charged with robbery and assault. 

Sources also said Wilson, whose bond was set at $7,500, is a repeat offender and has an open bench warrant for a traffic violation. Amazon said it had launched an investigation into the alleged assault.

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: June 24, 2024


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