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BY Azuka onye, 1:00am November 08, 2011,

Jewish Heart for Africa Gala: An Evening of Expression and Awareness

by Azuka onye, 1:00am November 08, 2011,

“How long do you walk for water?” This was one of the themes for an evening of philanthropy filled with music, food, raffles and much more. On Saturday, November 5th, 2011, the Jewish Heart for Africa celebrated its Annual Gala at the beautiful 404 NYC Lounge.

Jewish Heart for Africa Gala: An Evening of Expression and AwarenessThe purpose of the Gala was to raise money that will be used to help bring Israeli sustainable technology to remote areas in various countries in Africa. This technology would give people access to education, medical supplies and water.

The importance of access to clean drinking water was highlighted at the event with a big screen that showed an African women walking for hours to retrieve water and bring it home to her family. Receiving clean drinking water is something that a lot of people take for granted. While people were encouraged to enjoy themselves that night, we were encouraged to remember those who are less fortunate.

On the first floor of the lounge, the over 500 guests in attendance could win an all-expense paid trip to Malawi by walking a runway blindfolded. On the second floor guests could help themselves to Hors d'oeuvres and an open bar; then make their way up to the third floor to Jewish Heart for Africa Gala: An Evening of Expression and Awarenesspurchase African inspired items from the numerous vendors.

One of the biggest highlights of the evening was an African dance performance that included live drumming and dancing. After the performance, the founder and president of Jewish Heart for Africa gave an incredible speech stressing the need for continued support and donations in order to continue to help even more than the 200,000 Africans they have already reached. The event was spectacular and provided a venue for people from all over the world to join forces to bring forth change.


For more information about the organization please visit

To view more pictures from the gala click here.


Last Edited by: Updated: February 25, 2014



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