Meet Michael Croslin, the genius who invented computerized blood pressure and pulse monitoring devices

A sample blood measuring device/Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

Prior to the development of the Medtek devices, medical professionals had to rely on manual methods to measure a patient’s blood pressure and pulse rate. These methods were often time-consuming and prone to error, leading to inaccurate readings and misdiagnosis. However, Michael Croslin revolutionized patient care through the invention of computerized blood pressure and pulse monitoring devices that enabled healthcare workers to get up-to-the-minute information on patients’ vital signs.

The Medtek 410 and 420, as he called them, are devices that were designed to measure a patient’s blood pressure and pulse rate quickly and accurately. These devices used advanced technology to take the guesswork out of monitoring a patient’s vital signs, allowing medical professionals to diagnose and treat patients more effectively, according to justia.

Michael’s invention undoubtedly had a significant impact on the medical industry, with Medtek devices, medical professionals could obtain accurate readings quickly and easily. In addition to improving the accuracy of vital sign measurements, the Medtek devices also have a number of other benefits; They are portable and easy to use, making them ideal for use in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, and even in the home.

Since his invention, Michael has been granted multiple patents, including patents for the Medtek 410 and 420. These devices have been widely adopted in the medical industry and have helped improve the quality of care that patients receive. They have also reduced the workload of medical professionals, as they no longer have to manually measure and record a patient’s vital signs.

It isn’t clear whether his bumpy upbringing as a child may have inspired his ambitions – when Michael was born in 1933 in U.S. Virginia Islands, he never knew his parents because they abandoned him. He was adopted by the Britto family, who gave him the name, Miguel, but he Anglicized it and called himself Michael. He however ran away from the islands when he was 12 to the mainland in the United States, and survived by doing menial jobs in Georgia, receiving an opportunity to go to school briefly.

He later relocated to Wisconsin, where he was adopted by the Croslin family. Given the treatment he had under their care, Michael took up the family name, and returned to the classroom to complete his high school education at the age of 14. As a result of his exceptional intelligence, he graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a B.S. degree within three years.

He however had to cut short his educational aspirations to join the U.S. Airforce in 1950, and served in both Korea and Vietnam. Michael returned to school to offer a second degree in B.S. in mechanical engineering after he was discharged from the military. He later acquired two additional degrees from New York University, where he received a master’s degree in electrical engineering in 1963 and a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering in 1968, according to daily kos.

Overall, Michael Croslin’s work as an inventor has had a significant impact on various industries. His inventions have transformed how health is monitored and communicated, and his contributions will continue to benefit society for years to come.

Last Edited by:Annie-Flora Mills Updated: May 5, 2023


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