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BY Dollita Okine, 10:00am December 05, 2023,

Mom accidentally hits son with car while trying to break up fight between him and another kid

by Dollita Okine, 10:00am December 05, 2023,
A South Florida mom, Quantavia Samuel, was apprehended for accidentally hitting her son with her car while trying to hit another juvenile after a fight broke out at a South Florida school. Photo Credit: Miami-Dade Corrections

A South Florida mom, Quantavia Samuel, was apprehended for accidentally hitting her son with her car while trying to hit another juvenile after a fight broke out at a South Florida school, officials said.

Local 10 reported that the 33-year-old told police she had sent her son to a nearby friend’s house on Monday, November 27, to retrieve his younger brother’s backpack, but her son called her, saying he was threatened with guns and thought he would be “jumped,” a term used to describe being attacked by multiple people.

WSVN reported that the mother thought she was breaking up the fight when she arrived, but instead, she hit her son. Samuel assisted her son into her SUV, and they began pursuing two boys who had fled, authorities said. According to the suspect’s arrest report, she parked outside one of the children’s homes and contacted the police.

She told the officers who arrived that her son had been jumped by two boys and that the older kid who had jumped him pulled out a pistol during the fight. Her kid was transferred to the emergency room of Jackson Memorial Hospital after complaining to the police about pain in his legs and hips.

According to the report, one of the boys engaged in the conflict told officers that he was in the neighborhood to pick up his younger brother from school when he noticed Samuel’s kid and the two began hurling obscenities at each other.

He claimed he went home to get his cousin because Samuel’s son threatened him with a gun. He stated that he and Samuel’s son agreed to a one-on-one fight, which he won, teasing Samuel’s son while offering him a rematch.

The two started fighting again as the boy’s cousin “officiated the fight.” During the second fight, he observed Samuel’s SUV approaching them. The cousin’s statement supported his account.

Police investigated the surroundings for surveillance cameras but were unable to locate any. According to court records, Samuel was arrested and placed in jail, where her bond was set at $15,000.

According to Miami Police spokesperson Michael Vega, no gun appeared to be involved in the confrontation.

Vega told NBC Miami, “She wanted to hit these two kids. This is what we say all the time, if there’s a problem like this, the correct thing would have been that she call the police and then she can respond, which if we would have been there, we would have prevented this.”

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: December 5, 2023



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