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Mother and son among Albany State University’s recent graduates

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by Francis Akhalbey, 9:30am May 17, 2023,
Yolanda Hubbard and her son, Roderick Hubbard, graduated together from ASU -- Photo Credit: ASU

The Hubbard family has long had ties to Albany State University, and just recently, the family further cemented its legacy at the HBCU in a special way after Yolanda Hubbard and her son, Roderick Hubbard, walked across the stage together with graduate degrees.

According to The Albany Herald, this isn’t the first time mother and son have graduated from ASU as Roderick holds three degrees, while Yolanda has two degrees from the university. Dorothy Hubbard, who is Roderick’s grandmother and a former Albany mayor, also previously worked at the university.

“We are very proud of our daughter and grandson for their achievements,” Dorothy Hubbard said. “I can’t say enough about the Hubbard family’s belief in lifelong learning and education. They both continue a long legacy within the Hubbard family of obtaining undergraduate and graduate degrees from Albany State University and accomplishing great things.”

“We come from a long line of ASU graduates, and it is important to me that our children, their children, and their children’s children see these accomplishments so they may earn their degrees from ASU as well.”

Roderick, an educator, first graduated from ASU in 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in middle grades education before earning a master’s degree in educational leadership in 2021. The educational specialist degree in Educational Leadership he recently earned is said to be the highest degree offered at ASU, The Albany Herald reported.

Yolanda, on the other hand, initially graduated from ASU in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in allied health sciences. She then recently earned a master’s degree in Public Administration with a focus on human resources. 

Roderick and her mother supported and motivated each other while they were pursuing their courses at the university. Yolanda even managed to adjust to online learning thanks to her son.

“This was an opportunity for us to celebrate our achievements together and reflect on the hard work and dedication that led us to that moment,” said Roderick. “I do believe I’m prouder of my mom than I am of myself.”

Yolanda also dedicated her recent educational achievement to her grandchildren. “After graduation, my grandchildren ran up to us, and said, ‘You graduated!’” Yolanda, who works at the Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, recalled. “This degree is all about them for me. When school and life get hard, I can always remind them that GiGi did it much older, so they can do it, too.”

Roderick works as a vice principal at an elementary school. He said he hopes his recent educational qualification will pave the way for him to eventually become a principal before getting into district leadership. He also expressed his desire to teach at ASU. 

Yolanda and her son also said they intend to use their status as alumni to support the university. “Albany State University is the best HBCU there is,” Roderick said. “We must support ASU in every way, not only at homecoming. Our dear school is truly a union of work and inspiration.”

Last Edited by:Editor Updated: June 11, 2023



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