BY Elizabeth Ofosuah Johnson, 11:00am May 01, 2019,

New findings indicate that two princesses jointly ruled Egypt before Tutankhamun

New findings that alter the history of ancient Egyptian monarchy has been discovered by Valerie Angenot, an Egyptologist at Canada’s Universite du Quebec in Montreal. The in-depth study of the Empire through the study of symbols shows that two sisters ruled the empire before Tutankhamun.

Image result for Pharaoh Akhenaten
Pharaoh Akhenaten

According to the study, at the death of Pharaoh Akhenaten, who ruled for 17 years, two of his six daughters seized power using the advantage of how young the heir to the throne, Tutankhamun was. Tutankhamun was just about 6 or 7 years old when his father died but was too young to rule. He was given power as Pharoah when he turned 9.

Available history indicates that a queen had reigned briefly before Tutankhamun. While many believed it to be Queen Nefertiti, others also concluded that it was Princess Meritaten.

Image result for Queen Nefertiti
Queen Nefertiti

Whiles Nefertiti was the sister and wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten, Princess Meritaten was his eldest daughter who he was training to take over the Empire after his death. Her name, which translates as “She who is beloved of Aten” indicates that she was a favourite daughter of her father.

Image result for Princess Meritaten
Princess Meritaten

Valerie Angenot’s research reveals that while Princess Meritaten was being trained by her father, the Pharaoh was also secretly grooming another daughter as Queen. This princess is now identified as Neferneferuaten Tasherit. After his death, both daughters are said to have taken power under one name ruling for 3 years before Prince Tutankhamun ascended the throne as Pharaoh.

In history, the years between the death of Pharaoh Akhenaten and the ascension of Tutankhamun are not clear due to the absence of accurate records. However, Valerie Angenot’s recent findings might piece things together and lead to the discovery of more interesting history.

According to several sources, the new findings, while unaccepted by several other scholars, have been widely appreciated, applauded and accepted by many more who believe that the findings are accurate since previous indications explain that a woman did rule shortly before Tutankhamun.

There is now a new puzzle to identify who princess Neferneferuaten Tasherit was and how the two were able to rule as one person.

Last Edited by:Victor Ativie Updated: May 22, 2020


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