Kirstin Carter gave birth to her child in the middle of I-75. The 19-year-old gave birth to her baby, Elodie, after an SUV rollover accident closed the southbound lanes of I-75 at the Williston Road exit on Monday.
She told WCJB, “We’re going 90 like, all the way here.”
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Carter and her fiancée decided to go to Shands after she started having cramps while shopping in Cross City.
“We got over in the grass very illegally and drove all the way up to exit 384, and we saw a cop blocking off the lanes, so I told her to pull over and call 911,” Carter recounted.
According to Carter, they heard the car crash after two minutes or so on the freeway.
Carter stepped out and attempted to flag down the cops because they were both in a panic. But she stumbled, hit the ground, and began crying and screaming.
Ten minutes after flagging down the police, she was in the back of an ambulance and pushing while still stuck on the freeway.
“As soon as I got back there, I felt the urge to push. I pushed once and my water exploded over the whole back of the ambulance. It was all over the guys; it was all over his phone,” Carter stated.
She mentioned that Elodie’s name means a lot to her. Carter named her daughter Elodie after her friend Lily, who passed away in a car accident a few years ago. Elodie is a type of lily.
“It’s terrible, but like at the same time there was beauty in the chaos,” Carter expressed. “So many emotions at once. Like sad, angry, happy, pretty much everything.”
Carter said she will always remember the way her baby was born, even though her heart was racing. She is grateful to the first responders for their assistance.
She can’t wait to bring her daughter home and meet her one-year-old son.
“She has a story to tell for the rest of her life,” she joked.