Screenshot of dog-napper from Kim Vann’s Instagram page
Stealing from a black business ‘is harmless’
Kim Vann, a black and Chinese bakery owner in Brooklyn, New York caught an unidentified white woman stealing a topiary dog right from the entrance of her shop on Saturday.
The white woman fessed up to her deed when she realized that her sticky finger antics were caught on CCTV. Vann then posted the footage to her Instagram page. The Root reported.
The grass dog-napper then proceeded to send Vann a message, “I saw the video of me stealing your ivy dog and I am so sorry, it seemed harmless to me,” wrote the thief in what appears to be an email. “I did not think it was a sentimental item and I apologize for taking your property without permission and definitely regret being so stupid.”
Her tune soon changed when she caught wind that her actions were being widely publicized when she commented, “The dog has been returned and it seems the bakery has gotten some much-needed publicity from it and all is back where its supposed to be.”
So much for sincere apologies.