These 5 African countries have the highest hunger rates in the world

Nduta Waweru December 19, 2018
These 5 African countries have the highest hunger rates in the world
Photo: UsAFEE

Central African Republic

According to the Index, the CAR suffers from a level of hunger that is extremely alarming, with a score of 53.7, an increase from 41.3 in 2010. 

The country has been under civil strife since 2013, resulting in massive migration, loss of life and property as well as loss of markets and increased food insecurity. The inability of displaced people to engage in food production has led to increased levels of hunger, undernourishment and child mortality. 

The report also acknowledged that the CAR is the world’s leading contry in the 2018 list due to lack of data from countries like  Bahrain, Bhutan, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, EquatorialGuinea, Eritrea, Libya, Moldova, Qatar, Somalia, South Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, and Tajikistan.

Last Edited by:Ismail Akwei Updated: December 19, 2018


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