Three interesting facts about African American theater colossus, George C. Wolfe

He staged his first play in the 1970s

Since his animated Disney theatre encounter, Wolfe nurtured an exceptional love for the arts. He traveled all the way to New York at the age of 12 to watch his first Broadway play, Jerry Herman’s “Hello, Dolly!” starring Pearl Bailey; this was the beginning of the bond between George and the big stage. Thereafter, he started participating in theater workshops and auditions to sharpen his acting skills.

He took his dream a notch higher when his parents enrolled him in an integrated school, where he explored his talent for directing plays and acting even further. In 1975, he staged his first play, “Up for Grabs,” which was performed at Pomona College in Claremont, California, where he studied theater arts. After he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in directing from Pomona College, George plied his trade in California, where he did a lot of his writing.

To shore up his income stream, he accepted a teaching position at the City Cultural Center in Los Angeles and steadily grew his career by the day. He staged his plays, “Tribal Rites” in 1978 and “Back Alley Tales” in 1979 at the Cultural Center.

Last Edited by:Annie-Flora Mills Updated: March 9, 2023


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