BY Ama Nunoo, 2:06pm July 09, 2020,

Watch Stormzy surprise teen by decorating his bedroom

Photo via Wiki Commons

Imagine getting home from school and being welcomed at the door by your favorite rapper. Highly unlikely, right? Now, imagine that while you were away, your favorite rapper also lent a hand in giving your room a new paint job. Beyond your wildest dreams, right?

Well, 15-year-old Ishae got the surprise of his life when he got home from school to see award-winning rapper Stormzy doing the aforementioned. According to BBC, the Heavy is the Head rapper went back to his childhood neighborhood of Croydon to help reward Ishae for being a good lad in school.

Together with The Good Guys, a decorating company that rewards “deserving young people” by transforming their bedrooms for free, Stormzy helped put a smile on Ishae’s face for his “positive behavior” back in school.

While getting Ishae’s bedroom done, the British-Ghanaian rapper touched on why he decided to help put a smile on Ishae’s face.

“Cyle’s [The Good Guys founder] already doing a remarkable thing,” he said. “What he’s doing today is way more giving and way more thoughtful than me coming for 30 minutes and being a part of it.”

“If I weren’t doing this today … well, I’ve got a meeting to be fair, but after that I’d play some FIFA, or go walk my dogs,” he added. “So instead of a bit of FIFA, come do something great, your friend’s [pointing at Cyle] doing something great, take a little bit of time.”

The Vossi Bop rapper also touched on his participation in the recent Black Lives Matter protests in London and why he’s solidly behind the movement.

“I haven’t been going [to the protests] to grab the mic, I’m just happy everyone is here. I don’t have any answers, a lot of people don’t have answers, but we’re all trying, we’re standing together and cheering,” he said.

He continued: “One thing I really want this movement to do is show what it means to be black. You hear so much rhetoric [on] ‘all lives matter, why do black lives matter more?’”

“Do you not understand? If we weren’t oppressed, we wouldn’t be shouting. We would just be living our lives. I want you to understand that we are not just crying or just shouting or acting like ‘black lives matter’ that this is a real pain,” he added.

“This ain’t some sort of a trend, this is real life and this has been our reality for hundreds and thousands of years.”

Later in the video, Ishae is seen ringing their home doorbell after returning from school and Stormzy opening the door to welcome him, much to his amazement.

“Shocked, I’m shocked, I’m shocked,” the teen says.

Take a look at the video below:

Last Edited by:Ama Nunoo Updated: February 4, 2021


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