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You could be forgiven as a person of color to assume that Country Music is white people music. This is the general assumption because the sector is heavily dominated by whites. Make no mistake about it;...
Some find fame and fortune early on sustaining the momentum and die wealthy and esteemed. Others find both late yet leave their mark. Frank Isaac Robinson’s tale is a rather curious one. He found...
Some heterosexuals feel they are being gagged against speaking and writing unflattering things about gays. They assert the sledge hammer is unleashed to kill the proverbial fly leading to job losses and...
Bigger, faster and stronger animals intimidate and dominate the not so fortunate ones. However, being witty and clever can postpone death another day in the jungle of life. Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr., the...
In Black History Month, Brenda E. Robinson deserves our lens. She is the first African-American female pilot in U.S. Navy history. She is the 59th woman to enter the Navy’s training program, became...
A Ghanaian doctor in the U.S. faces a 17-year prison term if convicted of a single count of attempt and conspiracy to commit mail fraud. Dr. Moses deGraft-Johnson, owner of the Heart and Vascular Institute...
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