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Recently the State of California and two groups, Justice for Bruce’s Beach and Where Is My Land have taken mere talk about reparations and turned it into action. In 1912, a Black couple, Willa...
In reading James Baldwin’s review “How One Black Man Came To Be an American: A Review of ‘Roots”’ in the New York Times, I got to thinking that because of Roots’ success...
What is known today as “The Big Lie”—Republicans refusing to accept the results of a fair and free election— is a misnomer. Refusal to accept facts is not really a lie. But the...
If Davey Crockett had been black, would he have been celebrated in songs and TV shows created about him? Canadians may soon have to answer that question for their own Davey Crockett, a man named Jean Côtè....
This pandemic has been a time to reflect on the current situation in the U.S. But more than that, it has revealed with striking clarity where the current Constitution has left the majority of the American...
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