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Software Developer Drives access to healthcare for Stigmatized Minority

by Stephen Nartey, 5:10pm August 11, 2022,
Founder of Bisa Technologies, Raindolf Owusu

He is one of Africa’s software developers and technology entrepreneurs to venture into the Telemedicine space, to provide healthcare to the marginalized and under-served in society.

His pioneering innovation, Bisa Technologies – a mobile health application – was the go-to-app for lingering questions about the COVID-19 pandemic for many Ghanaians and Senegal.

The brainchild behind the Bisa mobile app is Raindolf Owusu. He explained that the name ‘Bisa’ was coined from the West African nation of Ghana language which means “Ask”.

Raindolf says he built the platform to provide tips for people and direct access to doctors to enable them manage health conditions more easily without physical contact.

Bisa Mobile Health App has built a reputation of protecting the confidentiality of persons managing HIV/AIDS and other conditions that are prone to stigmatization.

Raindolf indicated that said when he started the Oasis Websoft in 2011, he was looking at solving Africa’s problems with technology. He said he was compelled to develop the app on the basis of the belief that technology has the potential of resolving the teething challenges facing Africa in the areas of health, education, financial sector among others.

belief is that technology is the backbone but it cannot stand out on its own. It has to be integrated into other areas like the health, education etc.

The Software developer said since the inception of Bisa Mobile app development, he has been funding it from his personal accounts.

He acknowledged that his success with the health app would not have materialized with that the assistance of two health workers, Dr. Dennis Addo and Dr William Menson, who have volunteered to answer all the queries from the platform.

 He said the app has witnessed 300 download since it was developed with several queries on health conditions answered.

He indicated that for one to be successful in the area of software development, there is the need to immerse oneself in mobile application development. 

Last Edited by:Sedem Ofori Updated: September 13, 2022


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