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BY Mweha Msemo, 9:00am March 23, 2019,

[Quiz] Test your knowledge of African colonial history

by Mweha Msemo, 9:00am March 23, 2019,

Welcome to Face2Face Africa quiz series that tests your knowledge of Africa and anything African. We ask ten questions based on themes ranging from politics, history, geography, culture, entertainment and many more.

Today, we are all about African colonial history. Brace yourself, no cheating, get your thinking cap on and test your knowledge of this:

[Quiz] Test your knowledge of African colonial history

Poll 1. This was the name for Tanzania mainland until 1964?

Poll 2. This colony in Central Africa between 1908 and 1960 is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo?

Poll 3. This was the name for modern-day Namibia when it was subsumed under South Africa from 1915 to 1990?

Poll 4. This country was renamed the Kingdom of Lesotho upon its independence from the United Kingdom on 4 October 1966?

Poll 5. The Gold Coast, a British colony on the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa from 1867 to its independence in 1957 is currently known as?

Poll 6. This landlocked country in Africa was formerly known as Nyasaland?

Poll 7. This country was known as the Republic of Dahomey during the colonial period and at independence until 30 November 1975?

Poll 8. This country in West Africa was renamed Burkina Faso on 4 August 1984?

Poll 9. Southern Rhodesia was a British colony in southern Africa whose current name is?

Poll 10. This colony became the Republic of Botswana on 30 September 1966?

Click here to see how you performed. Good Luck!

Last Edited by:Francis Akhalbey Updated: March 24, 2019


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