BY Farida Dawkins, 8:20am December 28, 2017,

12 essential guides to moving to an African country

Moving is an arduous task and there are many levels of logistics needed before relocating.  The reason why you made the decision, employment prospects, where to reside, suitable schools, modes of transportation, finances, food, culture, spirituality, and health, all the way down to if you’re making the right decision has to be weighed. Keep reading for a quick and straightforward guide to moving overseas.

Why? Do you need a change of scenery or is there a job opportunity awaiting? There isn’t necessarily a “best” answer, on the other hand, being honest with yourself can help you develop a better plan.  If you’ll be there for an indefinite period of time versus a set time will depend on your desire and needs.

How will you thrive? Having a job set up takes a load of stress off as opposed to formulating a way to earn income.  Even if you have an employment opportunity, it helps to have several months of savings in your account just in case unexpected costs arise.

Apartment or house?  Deciding where one will live is time-consuming. There’s the question of the safety of the area you’re planning to reside in, how close in proximity is it to transportation, are roads easily accessible? Will you be able to use public transportation if need be or purchase a car?

Finances. The level of income you’re receiving and the cost of all bills totaled up makes a huge difference in tight or comfortable living.  Some things to consider is opening up a local bank account, making a budget, and gaining supplemental income via a second job

What documents do I need? You’ll more than likely need a passport and possibly a visa depending on where you’re going. Also, you may need to register or go through the process of declaring yourself a permanent resident so be sure to visit the embassy corresponding with your native country.  Also, find out if you’re able to hold dual citizenship.

Culture, language, and customs. It’s imperative to learn about some of the cultural do’s and don’ts of the place you desire to live. Know what acceptable and unacceptable behavior is and do your best to adhere to that.  Prevention is better than cure.

Religious freedom. Will it be easy or difficult for you to practice your faith? While some countries are more tolerant than others, it’s important to keep abreast of the religious climate of the place you plan on moving to.

Research. Learn as much as you can about all the things that people don’t readily tell you about in blogs and such.  Learn about the unspoken rules that can be broken.

Find a local friend. It’s relatively easy to be spotted as a foreigner when abroad.  It pays to find a friend who can easily help you navigate, bargain, find out where to get items you need that may be scarce and so that you aren’t bamboozled.

Expect the unexpected. Things won’t always go as planned. You may question yourself and your abilities. Just keep going and remember, you can always modulate your plans.

Healthcare. Without a suitable level of health, you can’t do much.  Find a reputable healthcare provider and seek his or her services.

Means of communicating. Skype, FaceTime, and all other applicable video chat apps will be needed to keep in touch with loved ones back home.  You may gain local connections but nothing beats family.


So now that you’ve beat yourself up with lists of pros and cons, extensive research, and maybe some anxiety, be bold and go after your dreams.

Below are some of the top African countries individuals are flocking to:

Last Edited by:Ismail Akwei Updated: December 28, 2017


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