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4 major cities in Africa still holding on to their colonial names

by Fatiatu Inusah, 7:00am May 01, 2019,
Image result for Rabat  city

Rabat (Ar-Ribat)

Founded as ‘Ar-Ribat’ which means ‘Camp’, the city of Rabat was founded by Abd’al Mu’min in the 12th century as a fortified monastery where he could keep his soldiers during the jihad in Spain. Due to its military significance, it acquired the nickname Ribatu’l Fath which translates to ‘stonghold of victory’. It is one of the four regal cities located on the Atlantic Coast at the mouth of Wadi Bou Regreg opposite the city of Sale. The city of Ar-Ribat was later corrupted by the French to be Rabat after invading Morrocco and establishing a protectorate in 1912. The city attracted settlers as far back as the 8th century BC.

Last Edited by:Ismail Akwei Updated: May 1, 2019


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