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5 famous people you did not know are from Gabon

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by Mildred Europa Taylor, 12:39pm August 17, 2019,
Image result for Patience Dabany
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Patience Dabany

The Gabonese singer and musician served as the First Lady of Gabon for 42 years before President Omar Bongo passed away in 2009 and her son Ali Bongo took over. Now pursuing a career in music, the 74-year-old and her then-husband founded the Gabonese Democratic Party. She was instrumental in promoting the rights of women, organizing charities for children, and other social projects during her tenure as First Lady. Having grown up in a musical family and singing at an early age, she began pursuing a career in music around 1986 and is known for hit albums such as Levekisha, Cheri Ton Disque Est RayéAssocié, and Patience Dabany. Her 2004 world music album Obomiyia allowed her to tour with James Brown in Europe and she remains one of Africa’s greatest musical ambassadors.

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: August 17, 2019



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