BY Adanna Uwazurike, 12:00am August 23, 2011,

Are Africans Giving Enough?

This summer much of the Horn of Africa was effected by a devastating famine that has claimed the lives of thousands so far, many of that being children. Like many international charities, Oxfam launched an initiative that would get more African nations to donate as a whole to the cause of helping suffering victims. 

Are Africans Giving Enough?

Though the organization had great intentions, their initiative has not garnered any major donation from African governments like they thought it would. As African people we would like to think that when our own are suffering everyone would give a helping hand.

However, Oxfam has reported that the donations of many African governments compared to other nations outside of Africa have been far too small. For example, the organization reports that China has pledged $55 million but the African Union has postponed its pledging conference. Of course, at a time where action needs to be taken quickly, as the situation becomes increasingly dire, such news is disappointing.

Oxfam now intends to “shame and name” the African governments that they believe can be doing much more. But what does this really mean? Many times people complain about what is seen as “Western intervention” in the business of African nations and wish they would interfere less. However, when a crisis is happening on the continent and the only real support is coming from the outside, what does that say about the unity of Africa? Not much.

Hopefully, by calling out African governments Oxfam will shed a brighter light on the issue and make leaders in Africa realize on a greater scale how important it is to lend a helping hand, and not just expect others to do it.

Last Edited by: Updated: June 19, 2018


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