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BY Abu Mubarik, 10:55am November 14, 2023,

Dr. Leonard Weather is now the first Black president of the Academy of Physicians in Clinical Research

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by Abu Mubarik, 10:55am November 14, 2023,
Dr. Leonard Weather, Jr . Photo credit: Black News

Dr. Leonard Weather, Jr is a distinguished gynecologist who made history in the leadership of the Academy of Physicians in Clinical Research (APCR). Dr. Weather is the elected president of the organization, making him its first black president since its founding.

The APCR is a not-for-profit institution that is committed to advancing the fields of clinical practice, academic research, and pharmaceutical industry engagement in clinical research (clinical trials). 

“Its mission encompasses the prevention and cure of diseases, as well as safeguarding the welfare of patients and study subjects through acquiring, disseminating, and evaluating knowledge concerning medicine and device development,” according to Black News.

It also provides a platform for enhanced education, professional development, qualification, and certification for physicians participating in clinical research endeavors. “It is the sole organization representing the physician research community within the American Medical Association (AMA), thus influencing national policies on numerous issues related to clinical research, Black News added.

An HBCU graduate, Dr. Weather comes into the position with an extensive academic background and experience. His background includes a Pharmacy degree from Howard University and an MD from Rush Medical College in Chicago, IL.

He continued to hone his skills and expertise at the Johns Hopkins University Hospital where he underwent comprehensive training, and completed his internship, residency, and fellowship in gynecology and obstetrics.

He has presented over 210 peer-reviewed articles touching on areas like pelviscopic surgical treatment of infertility, Endometriosis, pelvic pain, and uterine fibroids since becoming an active gynecological clinical trials researcher.

Also, he is credited with inventing the revolutionary surgical procedure known as Optical Dissection Pelviscopy, a groundbreaking advancement in laparoscopic surgery that helps in the prevention of organ injury.

Aside from his medical accomplishments, Dr. Weather is also a health educator, professor, ordained minister, artist, author, and photographer. He has contributed to three inspirational poetry books and an infertility handbook. His latest publication is entitled, “Endometriosis: the Name of the Pain and How to Repress It, released in June 2023.”

A former president of the Louisiana Medical Association and the New Orleans Medical Association, Dr. Weather presently holds a position as a board member of the State of Louisiana Board of Medical Examiners and serves as the National President of Chi Delta Mu Medical Fraternity, Black News said.

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: November 14, 2023



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