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BY Novieku Babatunde Adeola, 10:00am February 25, 2020,

Famous people who died through air crashes

by Novieku Babatunde Adeola, 10:00am February 25, 2020,
Image result for Otis Redding plande crash
Photo: wikipedia

Otis Redding

Singer and songwriter, Otis Redding made a name for himself for his unique style of music. Considered one of the greatest singers in American history, Redding was headed to Madison, Wisconsin to Cleveland with his band when their plane crashed into Lake Monona in Madison.

A lone survivor, Ben Cauley stated that despite the crash, there were at least some survivors. They, however, died as help didn’t arrive on time.

Image result for Otis Redding plande crash
Ben Cauley is the lone survivor of the 1967 plane crash_Photo: The Commercial Appeal

Last Edited by:Kent Mensah Updated: February 25, 2020



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