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BY Novieku Babatunde Adeola, 8:53am October 08, 2019,

Four places in Mogadishu that will make you love war-torn Somalia

by Novieku Babatunde Adeola, 8:53am October 08, 2019,
Image result for The National Museum of Mogadishu
The national museum of Somalia which is located in Mogadishu_Photo: Wiki

The National Museum of Somalia

Established in 1933 by the Italian colonial masters, this historic site has been a safe haven to the nation’s history pieces. Located in the capital, its operations was shut down in 1991 but was later reopened. 

It houses some of Somalia’s important historic artifacts. Following its destruction due to the war, it was rebuilt after almost 30 years of destruction.

Last Edited by:Kent Mensah Updated: October 8, 2019



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