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BY Farida Dawkins, 5:30pm November 01, 2018,

Here are 5 monumental sites to visit while in Antigua and Barbuda [Photos]

by Farida Dawkins, 5:30pm November 01, 2018,

Here are 5 monumental sites to visit while in Antigua and Barbuda [Photos]

Fort Barrington…National Parks Antigua

Fort Barrington

Formerly called the Goat Hill, Fort Barrington was named so in 1779 after an Admiral replaced the earthworks there with a stable stone edifice.

The fort protected St. John’s Harbour from attack from enemies.

Fort Barrington has also served as a place to alert forces of impending attacks, as documented by National Parks Antigua.

The fort can be accessed via a brief hike.

Last Edited by:Francis Akhalbey Updated: November 1, 2020



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