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BY Sandra Appiah, 12:00am October 27, 2011,

Motivation: Learn to Look Beyond the Storm

by Sandra Appiah, 12:00am October 27, 2011,

Storms come in many shapes and sizes and the truth is,  no matter who you are, how much you are worth or how perfect your life seems to be today, storms are a natural part of life and you are destined to face them at certain points in your life.

Sometimes these storms hit us so Motivation: Learn to Look Beyond the Stormhard, that we do not find the strength to rise again and continue with our lives. I've heard so many stories of people who decided to take away their own lives simply because they just couldn’t see beyond the storms that they faced.

There are many reasons why human beings are often times faced with challenges. Most of the time they come to emotionally prepare us for something great that lies ahead of us. Henry Ward Beecher couldn’t have said it better when he said that “mens successes come after their disappointments.” However, as human beings we get so caught up in the misery of the moment that the future becomes fuzzy. If only we were able to train our minds to understand the purpose of storms and challenges in our lives, we would become more susceptible to them.

Those who are successful and truly happy with their lives are the ones who are able to consider the advantages in every challenge that they face, and do not allow the temporary feeling of bitterness, betrayal, pain, or suffering detect the future of their lives. With every challenge comes an opportunity to be wiser. And it is with this wisdom that you are able to transform your misery into strength and inspiration.

Consider this: After the thunderstorm, it pours, and after the rain, the sun comes right back to shine on us. This is no deffirent from how you should approach the storms that you face in your life. No matter how long it takes, or how difficult it may be, understand that a brighter tomorrow awaits for you.

Last Edited by: Updated: February 25, 2014



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