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BY Theodora Aidoo, 9:00am December 09, 2019,

These are the African countries with the best 4G internet coverage

by Theodora Aidoo, 9:00am December 09, 2019,
Image result for 4G connectivity inbotswana"
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As the leading exporter of diamonds, Botswana’s scores are below the global average for the majority of GCI indicators.

However, smartphone and mobile broadband penetration has hit historic heights this year. “Botswana’s scores increased by 1 point in each of investment in 4G, Internet use, demand for computers, and application downloads,” the report said.

Botswana ranked 70th in the GCI 2019 with its Internet penetration showing continuous growth as well as growth of the cloud technologies within its own borders, where companies have embraced the new technology to mobilize and push their operational agenda with the same tenacity as the rest of the world.

According to the report, Cloud computing has taken root in Botswana and many SMEs are using it.

Last Edited by:Kent Mensah Updated: December 9, 2019



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