BY Theodora Aidoo, 12:00pm April 13, 2020,

This mobile app allows you to acquire electronic marriage certificate within 24hrs

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Can love wait, especially amid the coronavirus pandemic where there have been bans on weddings and other public events? I guess for many it’s a big NO! Love cannot wait as some couples have already defied the odds to tie the knot without their loved ones as witnesses.

The coronavirus has practically put lives and activities on hold, leaving most governments in a state of dilemma.

But should your love life remain on hold? And for how long? For those who cannot wait to be with the love of their lives and for those who’ve already planned their weddings, don’t give up yet. Thanks to entrepreneurial couple, JC and Randy Banks, hope is in sight.

The Atlanta couple created an app with cyber jurisdiction that allows various courts in the U.S. to issue marriage licenses electronically. Their patented technology, ‘WebWed Mobile‘ allows people to acquire marriage certificates/licenses without having to leave home!

JC is a legal expert, who has a passion to transform the marriage industry, while Randy, on the other hand, is tech-savvy and together five years ago when the Marriage Equality Law was passed, they created the WebWed Mobile technology.

“Our objective is to merge the three most powerful elements of the world: Love, Law, and Technology, to afford individuals from all walks of life and corners of the world, the opportunity to wed on an affordable global platform”, their website reads.

At a time when most courts are closed and court sessions are, at the moment, being held via a Skype video conferencing facility, WebWed Mobile could come to your rescue if you still want to carry on with your marriage. The App helps to bring your marriage dreams to virtual reality, and you can include your family and friends in the ceremony.

 “What we thought would be a short, administrative process, turned into an unexpectedly special and touching moment for my husband and me. I’m so grateful to JC and the WebWed Mobile team who made our moment special,” Sophie Feral, a customer who used the app to get married on April 1st shared, according to Black Enterprise.

love can't wait - WebWed
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“I never imagined that a global pandemic would make the symbolism of marriage so special and precious at a time like this. We have been very busy bringing love and matrimony to couples across all time zones, races, from dusk to dawn, through a private and secure wedding experience,” JC stated.

WebWed Mobile is dedicated to ushering couples of all socio-economic backgrounds into the new marital digital world, on their time schedule, through a virtual stage. Providing marital freedom, financial freedom, marriage equality and a resolution to marriage discrimination’s across the country, are major fundamentals that WebWed Mobile stands for.

“With love as the primary foundation, law as the legally binding agent and technology as the human way of life, WebWed Mobile is proven to be an asset to the human experience in all communities,” the couple noted.

WebWed Mobile has reportedly facilitated the marriage of thousands of couples and the app is available for download on both iOS App Store and Google Play.

Last Edited by:Kent Mensah Updated: April 13, 2020


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