BY Emmanuella Anyanwu, 12:00am September 28, 2011,

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonades

A couple of Months ago, Kim Kardashian got married to Kris Humphries – an event that caused immeasurable levels of joy for most people. At the same time, political turmoils continue around the world, and innocent people are consistently losing their lives. While some rejoice over a long awaited positive turn around, others wail and quake at the crisis they may be facing. 

All of this is a part of life- sometimes we laugh and other times we cry. Just like the bible says, there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. But in all of life's ups and downs, it is imperative that we understand the saying that “when life gives you lemons you make lemonades”.

Below are some life nuggets that will truly help in navigating your way to a better and happier you.

Understanding your relationships

By understanding the people around you and your relationship with them, you can better manage your life and expectations, and hence your happiness.

According to Bishop TD Jakes, there are 3 kinds of people you will interact with in life – confidantes, constituents and comrades. Confidantes are friends who are into you and with you during the good and bad times. You can call on them at any time and can tell them anything. According to the Bishop, we all need a confidante who can mentor us and are blessed if privileged to have 2 or 3 of them in our lifetime. Your constituents are not into you. They are for what you are for and will only remain with you as long as you are engaged in that activity or associated with the cause that attracted them to you. On the other hand, your comrades are neither for you nor for what you are for. They are against what you are against and will team up with you to fight the greater enemy but leave once the mission has been accomplished.  

How to Identify People who are for You

People who are for you would weep with you when you are sad and be happy for you when you are happy. According to Bishop, when you share good news with a friend, take a moment to observe their demeanor and reaction. If they express happiness at the time you share the news then they are likely for you. If they don’t express happiness, then you need to watch out.  

Be Wary of the Voice you Hear 

According to Bishop Paul Adefarasin, everyone is governed by a voice. Everyone hears a voice and it is that voice that informs their life decisions and life’s outcome. “When you walk through life and you make decisions upon which your life turns, which voice are you hearing?” This is a question we all need to ask ourselves. The voice being heard could range from the voice of your peers pressuring you to do something bad or plain delinquent to the voice of your mother or spiritual guardian urging you to take that bold step toward success. Be wary of the voice you are hearing because it will determine your outcome in life and even the journey to the outcome. 

Tired of getting the same Old Results?

According to Bishop Adefarasin, “You’ll never have a mega shift doing the same old things you’ve always done”. You can only see new results when you change your strategy and do things differently. You get a new mentality by listening to the voice (the voice of God, the voice of reason, that voice that reminds you of who you really are and should be). You have to obey when you hear the voice- this obedience causes a change in your situation and surroundings. What this means is that you see change when you get good counsel and follow it up with actions.  

Last Edited by: Updated: February 25, 2014


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