If you have been going on dates for some time now and yet you keep finding yourself alone in bed every night, you may be wondering if that is how your life is meant to be.
The thing is, some people do get lucky with relationships while others don’t. At this stage, you may be going through a phase in life but it could also be that you are meant to be single. And that’s okay.
But how can you be certain that you are going to stay single forever? These signs will help you:

Photo: Thought Catalog
You dislike everyone
You just feel you are too good for anyone. No one matches your standards and no one is worth your time. You just love your life. You even go on dates but you always come back complaining to your friends how boring or annoying they were. If you have this attitude, you are better off remaining single.

Photo: triumph30.org
Being single makes you feel happy
If you are happy being single and you don’t even feel like getting committed to anyone, then you are probably meant to be single. Why would you rush into a relationship just because your friends and family are forcing you to when you are just happy and fulfilled being single? The basic thing is, if you are content and not even longing to have a partner or to live as part of a long-term couple, then you are probably meant to be alone.

Photo: The Network Journal
You like to deal with things on your own
When you are single for some time, you realize that you tend to do things on your own, whether you like it or not. As time goes on, you get used to this and eventually become confident with it. Becoming self-sufficient may ultimately not even make you long for a spouse.

Photo: HelloBeautiful
You enjoy your freedom
People who wouldn’t want to feel tied to any individual when in a relationship are better off being single, most relationship experts say. Such people would never want to trade their freedom for a partner and if you belong here, you were probably born to stay single.

Photo: Black Enterprise
You don’t want to share your finances
Many couples resist the idea of joint accounts and opt to keep separate accounts. But at a point in time, they realize that certain situations would demand a pool of resources. If you are not willing to share your finances at any point with anyone, then you are probably bound to be single.

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You are still discovering why you are here
If you are still trying to figure out the purpose of your life on earth, or what you were actually called out to do and is taking forever for you to find answers, committing to a life partner may be a wrong decision.